Nov 10, 2007

new series!

Ok so I am starting a new series of paintings and I am really excited about my new concept! With my previous work I would just focus more on painting the figure (usually pictures of my friends). I was trying to capture the esesnce of my generation, so I would paint them in bright colors and in bar scence. But my in my new series I am combining my love of interior design and the figure! I am going to paint each one of my closest friends an an interior fabricated by me to reflect there personality! I've been thinking about this for months but I finally started!

My first painting is of my roomate Sara. Ok so I have only worked on it for a few days but here is how it is coming along, you get the general idea.

This is the orginal photo I took of her

and this is the picture I photoshoped for my reference

Ill update you with my progress as I go!

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